8 out of 10 for me.
Also isn't there a scripture where Yahveh says he is gonna smear dung on the faces of his enemies. He's such a practical joker
i had 2 good answers
8 out of 10 for me.
Also isn't there a scripture where Yahveh says he is gonna smear dung on the faces of his enemies. He's such a practical joker
my boyfriend pointed something out to me a while ago.
when i would be relaying a story to him or something like that i would commonly use the word 'evidently'.
for example and evidently mr johns said this.
It's funny seeing all those buzz words together. A lot of those used to really get on my nerves, especially We might reasonable assume. . . & Isn't it reasonable to conclude...
Usually all those buzzwords were encapsulated in some sort of demagogy and fallacious logic.
That kinda disproves my theory that Jesus had polystyrene legs.
lol, ok this is a fluf post i guess, but anyways, i found this site and thought it was funny, check it out, and post your results, if you don't it means you like having sex with animals.. http://www.channel4.com/life/microsites/g/gayometer/gayometer.html.
i scored 50% i am a perfectly adjusted hetro male!
43% gayness for me. I'm kinda disappointed with that, I always figured I was gayer than that; a metrosexual at least.
That gayometer at the end of the test scared me a bit cos it shot round to 100%. I thought it was my score but it was just my results loading
i read in your profile where you state that evolution is the reason for your leaving the organization.
that's interesting.
care to elaborate and does this mean you no longer (if you ever did) subscribe to a belief in creationism?.
LOL @ Elsewhere
That really made me laugh cos I thought you were serious at first. I've never seen that site before, I'm gonna have a look around.
It's always good to keep an open mind like Sickoflies said, it's what challenges the accepted and moves science forward after all. It's keeping an open mind that has led us to the opinions we have, right Sickoflies . The creationists and IDers are closed minded as they have a belief already in place and just search and accept viewpoints that back up the theological ideas they cling to.
I tend to think the IDers have conceded so much ground already as regards molecular biology, evolution, astronomy etc that the only fall back is a 'God of the gaps' scenario where the small gaps in scientific knowledge must prove a God exists. Trouble is years ago when people beleived thunder was God's anger and natural disasters were Gods displeasure there were massive gaps in knowledge. As scientific knowledge has grown those gaps have grown smaller year on year to the point now where they are miniscule in comparison.
by 2008, the usa is supposed to have an id card program for people entering gov.
builings, airports, depots and bus terminals.
anyone have details or opinions?
Yeah looks like the UK ID card policy got the go ahead from parliament last week. It's a ridiclulous waste of time and money.
All the info that's going to be on the card is already held by various govnm't departments anyway! Passport agency, DVLA, HMRC, DSS etc etc
Having all that info centralised with you carrying a plastic card with all your identity details on it presents a massive security risk. The passport agency and DVLA are intoducing biometrics anyway so I'm not sure what these ID cards are for.
I'm still unsure why you would need a plastic card with info of your iris and fingerprints - I tend to carry my eyes and fingers around with me anyway.
Some people have said if you have nothing to hide what's your problem with it. It's not that people have anything to hide it's just that it's not a very good idea and doesn't solve the problems the govnm't says it will.
I've worked as an IT consultant with the civil service including NHS Excecutive, NHS Direct, Housing & Regeneration Dept, DWP, Regional Development Agencies and most big IT projects are mismanaged, over budget and over time.
even though you can live forever, you do not have immortality; it is still possible for you to die, should you have a fall from grace.
also, they bring answers to the most asked questions: "why do bad things happen to good people?
Interesting article. Thanks for posting it. People's Bethel experiences fascinate me as it's often coupled with a disillusionment with what goes on there.
I think when the article says 'at the top of the organisation' it's referring to Bethel as a whole as it's the headquaters where decisions are made and not to him personally.
i read in your profile where you state that evolution is the reason for your leaving the organization.
that's interesting.
care to elaborate and does this mean you no longer (if you ever did) subscribe to a belief in creationism?.
Hope you don't mind me jumping in on the party but I have the same viewpoints as Sickoflies.
I have read some of Prof Flews literature, both when he was an atheist and subsequent theist. His arguments for a 'prime mover' or 'first cause' type of creator aren't anything new and have been postulated by the ID community for a while. I have a hard time accepting his viewpoints as there's very little science in his ideas and they're mostly of the philosophical kind and his understanding of evolutionary science is outdated.
It was big news when Prof Flew changed his atheist views to some sort of theist theory but it must be remembered that he isn't a scientist, he's a philospher.
Here's a bit of discourse about Flew by Richard Carrier-
friday, march 17, 2006
autum ashante: child prodigy or something else?
in new york city, a seven-year old african-american girl named autum ashante has stirred-up
I agree totally with what you said Sunnygal. Young Autum is obviously an intelligent kid and when she's a bit older will hopefully figure out historical fact from parental half-facts.
with the memorial coming up (and all of you attending of course, haha) i wanted to post a topic that's been bugging me for quite a while:
ok, we were all taught that the last supper coincided with the passover, which was required by jews to celebrate annually.
however, i've got a couple of questions on this:
IMO the whole story of the last supper is apocryphal. Apart from the points already put forward against the story there were pagan cults which had been around for hundreds of years which memorialised a saviour son of God's death by eating bread for the flesh and wine for the blood. This and many other gospel stories were probably added to make them more palatable to the largely pagan Roman world as it was slowly turned toward christianity.
As has been mentioned the freeing of a prisoner by the Roman authorities is totally untrue. It's thought that the story originally was that the Jewish crowds wanted Jesus himself freed. This was later changed to two seperate people - Jesus Christ and Jesus Barabbas. The fact is Barabbas isn't a proper name and was never used as such. The derivation is of it is Son of the Father. The text was changed by christians to make it better accepted by the Roman authorities as Pilate comes out of it in a fairly good light in contrast to the Jews who are portrayed as a blood thirsty mob.
Sickoflies, I'd like to know which Roman documents prove that Jesus was killed on Nisan 14. As far as I knew there are no contemporary documents from that time that even acknowledge Jesus existence. The first mention of a Jesus Christ apart from the gospels is by Josephus.